Klimt Family #2

Rp 42,500,000

  • Dewa Putu Mokoh (1936-2010)
  • 57,5 x 80 cm
  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • 1992
Category: SKU: TAS161


The cameraman went across the street for a close up. The people moved from the previous position. The old man no longer holds his arm around the sad girl, he weaves his hands in a strange way, it could seem an arcane symbolism or the gesture is to symbolize something much more base, two centimeters farther down. The girl seems revitalized, trying a smile that turns out a grunt, the little boy left behind has his head reclined on one side and looks far away. If there had been a third painting of the Klimt family would the ambiguity awakened in the first two be resolved? In this painting, Mokoh did not provide an answer, but rather let the viewers decide on the answer.